Thursday, 21 August 2014

Soon To Be a Father, 36-weeks and moving forward.

Today, the baby in my wife’s comel stomach is 36 weeks. According to at the end of this week, my baby will be considered "early term." (Full-term is 39 to 40 weeks. Babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term, 41 weeks is late term, and those born after 42 are post-term.) So nevertheless it is normal for a baby to be delivered this week onwards.

What I have experienced?

Well. A lot.

The journey started when my wife was late for her menses and at that point of time she started to fart frequently, even when she is sleeping which was weird. So as a thoughtful and considerate husband, I googled for answers and I can still remember what I wrote :

“wife farts in her sleep” and it turns out, I was right. Some websites stated that farting is a symptom of pregnancy but I still kept that information to myself until we knew for sure.

U may laugh at me but that’s what I did, so a week after that, the doctor confirmed that my wife and I will be having a baby. Not bad huh.

Then life became more exciting, in my mind as usual, I was thinking of buying strollers, baby cot, carrier, moses basket, car seats, and so many things. My baby needs to have everything that a baby should get. I even bought extra clothing, because I was tad excited.

But as months passed by, I realized it is not entirely about buying baby stuffs. But most importantly is to make sure your wife is healthy & your baby is in good progress. Other things in the list stumble after.

Then I started doing my own research, knowing terms that I have never ever heard before. Terms like, epidural, caesarean, pediatrician, contraction, induced labor, placenta, and so many other terms that I stumbled upon. Not only that, we move from one clinic to another, one hospital to other hospitals either to do check-ups or to check the best hospital for delivery.

My lifestyle has not changed dramatically, it has been if not all, but most of it did not change that much. Though, the busy schedule that I have, I will always spare some time for my wife. But there are new things that add into my daily schedule during her pregnancy period. First, cravings. I am quite fortunate as my wife doesn’t crave so much compare to my other friends who crave, or in a better word to put it DEMAND food that the husband will find it arduous to get. I only get things like pasta from Delicious, chicken from Nandos, watermelon, tomyam, and simple things that I can deliver to her. Syukur Alhamdulilah.

As you all may be aware of, I like to do OOTD “Outfit of The Day” once a while and post it into my Instagram. But after the baby news, my priority changed dramatically. Nothing would be as much important as to make sure whatever necessary things the baby needs, the baby gets. I used my savings for this, although money flows briskly, but it has never been an issue. As a father you will strive your best to get it done. But again, I mentioned necessary, some things are less obligatory, but if you can afford to buy it, no harm buying it.

As days gone by, weeks after weeks, watching videos after videos, a lot of advises given to my wife and I to be the best father and mother. My wife received numerous guidance from relatives, friends, families on best steps to deliver baby. Them sharing experience can be daunting at times, but all are worthwhile. Trust me. Because from their experience you get yourself prepared, expecting what is going to happen next. Like preparing for SPM exam, you will ask your senior how did they do it, though you know it is never going to be the same questions. The urge to ask is there, and this goes the same to us, especially the husbands.

There are few advices that I (we) shall take and digest.

Uno. Having a baby is equally the most challenging and most beautifully rewarding experience. It will be difficult, and at times you will freak out, but you and your wife will figure it out as you go along.

Others will add on top of that, you need to give your child unconditional love, give him all the opportunities that you can, lead by example and you will be fine.

Most of my friends will say get used to sacrificing your personal time, A precious, new little life takes a lot of time away from your hobbies and free time. Avoid getting frustrated at how little alone time you have. (meaning there will be no more playstation time, no?).

Another popular advice would be, SLEEP! Enjoy the sleep while you can and let mom sleep too. Some said, take a lot of pictures while you can, I say I have reserved tweethandle, facebook & instagram username ready for my baby. I am pretty much advance on that. Be ready for frequent updates.

Well, I will take all advices given with open arms. I know those who have experienced it would like to educate others to make it better. I believe mom will need help to. I will try my best and be a very good co-player.
As for my future daughter, I must say I can’t wait to see you but Allah will decide when will be the best time to see you. This is the great rezeki given to me by Him. I will enjoy spending time with my baby. As a father, I will try to be as involved as my wife will be. I know my newborn will change and grow so much during the first year, but I will cherish & treasure the moments that I have with her. Till then, talk to you guys soon once the baby is born. If you have any advise, drop your comments below. Would love to hear from you. J
