Tuesday, 11 March 2014

NeverEnding Hope

MH370. A lot of stories, a lot of conspiracies, a lot of agendas and a lot of untold stories. We assume that we know, but we have no idea. But the best we can do is


Yes, we will share, regardless the legitimacy of the facts. We share, that is what we people do.

But I am not going to share my idea about these issues that has been surrounding any social media platforms. Let’s turn our eyes to another angle of this story. Where to me, it is pretty much important, as important as finding the plane itself.

Do you know anyone of the crew or passenger family members?

Do you know what do they do, where do they come from?

Most significant question will be, do you know how they feel now?

NO you don’t. Because you are not them. But being a kind-hearted human being, you would do anything to support these families, regardless. But how do we help them? We barely know them.

Stop spread lies, stop spreading rumors, you know nothing, you do nothing.

That’s what you do for now. Better, try to provide positive vibes, positive quotes to those families affected.

I am going to give an idea (which might not be entirely true but this is what I believe the best way to explain the situation). These families are facing trauma, they don’t feel anything when they eat, they don’t feel like working and their mind just focusing on one thing, “I want my family back safely”.

There is one good example to explain this situation. Remember Nurin Jazlin?

“Nurin went missing on the 20th of August, 2007, and was found dead on the morning of the 17th of September, 2007. The eight-year-old girl was reported missing after she had gone to a wet market near her house to buy a hair clip on the night of August 20th, 2007, in Kuala Lumpur. What seemed like a simple task took a turn for the worst as Nurin was discovered dead in a gym bag on the morning of September 17th, 2007. She was found naked, curled up in a fetal position with a cucumber and a brinjal stuffed inside her genitals. Investigations have been carried out, but until now, her killer remains on the loose”

Let’s just talk about the timeline of the missing period. About 27 days. That is the amount of undesirable trauma that the family had to face until they found out that their beloved baby was tortured and killed by ‘someone’. The parents had to wait 27 days without knowing where their baby is. During that period I’m sure numbers of thoughtful & caring people came to console and give positive feelings to the family.

I’m sure you guys would agree with me that no one knows what is exactly in their mind, and how did they cope with that tremendous amount of sufferings.

I don’t.

I am certain that is not the only story of missing people around the world. I am sure there other bigger story than that. Remember three teen ‘vanished’ in Cleveland Ohio? A 14-year-old girl disappears on her way home from school, another is last seen near her home and a 16-year-old vanishes after leaving her fast-food job for the day. All from the same neighborhood in Cleveland, Ohio, the girls disappeared within five blocks of each other over a four-year span, starting in 2003. Boom. Again, imagine how do their family handle the trauma for YEARS!

I, myself have encountered but on a different note. This also might be common for certain few but those waiting moment, minutes that feels like hours, hours like days make me sort of understand the grief (I might be wrong, correct me)
My dad was in coma, for 6 days after his kidneys were infected. He was unconscious, I couldn’t talk to him, I can only see him breathing slowly, really slow but he is not giving any response. Hence I have to wait. Doctor said things that I could never imagine.

“You need to prepare for the worst, you might lose you father”

I cry, I pray, I patiently wait and wait… and wait. I have never given up. I know I need to believe that he’s going to recover, and I didn’t stop praying to Allah that he will recuperate and be able to crack jokes with us again. And like we always believe, God is great, with continuous prayers by family, friends my dad did recover and he’s a healthy man now. I’m ever grateful for that. Syukur.

But back to MH 370, I want my dear friends to see it on this angle, try to imagine if you’re wearing their shoes. Just try, so we will make better judgment before spreading unnecessary news. Imagine IF someone came out with a story to missing parents and say
“Hi, I found out that your daughter is in Thailand, under protection of orphanage house” But when the parents took the effort to go there it was someone who looked like their daughter, but not her.

This kind of unnecessary despair shouldn’t be given to them. We try our best to give reliable news, let the authorities do what they are supposed to. I am sure they are trying their best to find the plane, and please I am here to beg media not to put a lot pressure to those are trying their level best to find the plane and making numerous unacceptable assumptions to the missing plane.

For others, try not to find fame and make use of this story to be popular. It is not the right time. Have faith, there is hope. Continue spreading positive notes and #prayForMH370.
